What America does internationally, it does domestically and vice versa. America's forked tongue does not keep its laws, agreements, promises, deals, commitments.... The same people in America that betray the countries of the world, have betrayed non White and non Asian American citizens. America has again gone back on its word.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made illegal discrimination based on race. That includes if you are White. There is no such thing as the politically created phrase of "reverse discrimination." The 1964 Act bans discrimination against all races. America has always used set asides, quotas. Affirmative Action changed the percentages of America's set asides and quotas from 100% to 0% to at best 95% to 5%. Both the 95% and 5% include White women. That 5% is what is referred to as reverse discrimination. The Supreme Court has moved to return the set asides to their original percentages. The Supreme Court reheard and re-decided the case for Civil Rights. That is something the Court does not do, re-hear or re-decide on what it has already ruled. It does not select to hear cases that have already been decided. Notice how the Court did not go after gender, age, religion, nationality... These also affect White America. They too are included in Affirmative Action. The Supreme Court went only after race when it came to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
America, including its institutions of higher education have always used race. American colleges and universities have always considered race when it comes to admission. That is why historically, they were White only. Discrimination based on race in America's educational system begins in Kindergarten. It affects American students all the way to and included in institutions of higher learning. America's practice of discrimination based on race has been reinforced. With its ruling, the Supreme Court ruled against the decision and intent the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It has ruled against the intent and decision of Brown vs. The Board of Education. Both are to protect the Constitutional rights of all Americans, especially Black Americans. Instead, the Court ruled for inequality by favoring White and Asian Americans. The Court's ruling reverses the barring of Constitutional rights because of race. Institutions of higher learning, that is colleges and universities are just the beginning of such reversal.
One example of America's institutions of higher learning subtle use of race when it comes to admissions is the practice of legacy admissions. Legacy admissions are the formal and informal practices where schools give additional consideration to college applicants with a parent or other ancestor who's an alumnus. Students are 45% more likely to be admitted under the practice of legacy admission. Given America's long history of discrimination when it comes to preparation for and admission into colleges and universities, this practice benefits white students.
The Emancipation Proclamation came into effect in January 1863. The Civil Rights Act was enacted in July 1964. The fight against discrimination was overwhelmingly fought by and due to the efforts of Black America. All of America has benefited based on race, color, gender, religion and eventually age. The United States Supreme Court has ruled to allow discrimination against Americans that are neither of the White or Asian race. America has not abided by the Emancipation Proclamation as seen in its prison system. Post Reconstruction America continues to whittle away, weaken and undo the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
On June 29, 2023, the United States Supreme Court ruled that race could not be considered when it comes to admission into American colleges and universities. It has returned America to its original 100% to 0% quotas. Asian students were added just to keep it from being Black versus White. That is a strong bias on the part of the Court. It did not rule against the consideration of gender, age, nationality, religion... That in itself is discriminatory by the Supreme Court. Along with the other branches of the Federal Government, the Supreme Court increasingly ignores, does not keep and overrules the Constitution of the United States. The forked tongue of the United States was used by the Supreme Court. It went against its previous rulings and efforts to prevent discrimination based on race. It targeted Black Americans, stirred up centuries old divisions and reinstalled discrimination in America's institutions of higher learning.
What will the decade of 2060 bring when it comes to America's continued failure to remedy its centuries old practice of racism? Will America's third Reconstruction take place?
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