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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Anti Russia Sentiment | Ray McGovern on America's Use of "Others" to Gain Consent For War

As the world endures another United States' war, Ray McGovern speaks to Schiller Institute Harley Schlanger on how the American government gains consent for its wars. The use of the concept of "others" is to make targeted people seem less than human. The video of their discussion is below with a link. The Special Military Operation in Ukraine is indeed a United States proxy war against Russia. It is supported by the confessions of Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and Petro Poroshenko on the true intent of the Minsk Agreements. The concept of "other" is again used to gain the consent of the American people for another United States' imperialist war.

Ray McGovern details examples found in America's history where the concept of "others" has been used to establish hate towards a targeted group. The hate fosters a sense of superiority over the targeted group. The three; hate, sense of superiority and concept of "others" are used to establish an entitlement. Armed with a sense of entitlement, Americans consent to the government that represents them and its treatment of targeted people. Ray McGovern reveals how the concept of "others" is married to Americans' consent for their government's continuous wars. 
To some Western European Anglo Saxons, Eastern European Slavs are "others." The majority of Americans are of Western European descent. America is based on Western European culture, government, financial system, religion and way of life. The resistance in America to Washington DC narrative against Russia comes mainly from Americans who have experienced being the "others," "those people" to mainstream America. What America does internationally, it does domestically. In the video below Ray McGovern details the experiences of non western Americans and their treatment as "others."  Also included is a history of the experiences of non-westerners worldwide and their treatment as "others" by America and Western Europe. The European American Anglo Saxon concept of "others," "those people" has again been used to justify and gain consent for another war.

"Others" includes the Ukrainians whose lives are lost and whose country is in ruins. They are mainly Slavic. They are the ones fighting and shedding their blood to the last of their countrymen in the US proxy war against Russia. Both Europeans (NATO & EU) and Americans are fine with that. For comparison, notice the reference to sentiment towards and treatment of Vietnamese. The targeted people in the current anti campaign of hate are also Slavic. The Biden administration narrated a strong anti-Russian sentiment in the build up to and beginning of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine. Europe and Western Ukraine joined the Washington, DC anti Russia campaign. Russian people, culture, government, language, arts, sports, ballet, literature, music... are all targeted in their campaign of hate. As intended most Americans and Europeans did not and do not question the narrative against Russia coming from their government. The anti-Russia hate has backfired on the Biden administration and its European allies. It has drawn the Russian people even closer to each other, their country and their leaders. This time there are heavy consequences to the US use of  the concept of "others." 

America was built using the concept of "others," against non Europeans, the Indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere. It has continued using the concept of "others," to carry out 200 plus years of continuous wars. Americans are quick to war when such a divide is used in the propaganda and the narrative for war and conquest. Americans have to look deep inside as to why they so easily give into hate of "others" and allow the destruction of war. 

Ray McGovern's "Nevertheless, We Persist" interview is an excerpt from the Schiller Institute January 14, 2023 conference. It can be found on the Schiller Institute YouTube Profile. In the description section the Institute tells the goals of the conference in regards to US international policies that are not reflective of Dr. King's policy of non-violence. 

The Schiller Institute is an American and German based political and economic think tank founded in 1984 by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon H. Larouche, with stated members in 50 countries. It is among the principal organizations of the LaRouche movement. Its mission statement reads: "We are the leading organization internationally fighting for both a just global economic order and classical cultural renaissance."

For a reminder of how we got here with a Special Military Operation in Ukraine here's February 2022 insight from Black Alliance for Peace, "A Brief Guide on the Situation In Ukraine."

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