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Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Affordable Care Act That America Cannot Afford

I do not agree with mandated payments to insurance companies who have nothing to do with healthcare.  Future GOP administrations will gut this bill and keep the mandate while not the health care.  This bill has helped the financial market which; insurance companies are part of and not the American people.  One of the most unaffordable consequences of the act is the loss of health care providers.  I wish to address that loss here. 

I just had lunch with my two sons and shared my concerns.  They both shared stories which demonstrate concern over the Affordable Care Act, its mandate and ties to the profits of insurance companies. I wish to share those stories along with a link below to an article of one physician's story in dealing with health insurance companies. 
The first is of a discussion involving an elder gentleman that was 90 plus years old.  He stated that a particular procedure he had years ago before this dependency on insurance companies cost him four hours of pay.  He made 50 cents an hour then.  He made the payment directly to the provider.  His current observation was that the cost of this procedure has risen so that four hours of work would no longer cover the cost.  That is unless you made over $500 an hour. 

The second is my younger son telling me how each time he goes to the doctor, he receives a list of services they no longer cover due to insurance company's refusal to reimburse the cost.  He stated that in the list were services that the doctor's office felt necessary therefore had previously eaten the cost.  Now they were not able to do so.  Both stories along with the link below shows how insurance companies have taken over our health care from the providers and prevent health care. 

I read this article some time ago. With the Supreme Court not only backing the Affordable Care Act but, also making the case for the government, this article is of utmost importance at the present. Please click on the link.

"Why This Pediatrician Quit Medicine - Insurance Company Greed"

If someone is intelligent enough to make it through a medical education, internship and residency, then they are too intelligent to remain in a profession where they are exploited and robbed.  The 85% mandate on insurance companies to spend on their customers will not remain over time.  Greed will not allow it.  With fewer providers we will have even shorter visits with our providers as insurance companies and hospitals push assembly line increased profit medical care.  In order to make a living providers against their will, will also have to spend less and less time with their patients and give less and less true health care.  We cannot afford medical care that does not meet our medical/health needs. 

With the Affordable Care Act and its benefits to insurance companies, more and more will not choose the medical profession. The law of supply and demand says that with fewer providers, the cost of health care will rise. Yet Obama's Cheney, Timothy Geithner pro-financial industry would have us think that mandate premiums and decreased provider payment with the insurance companies skimming will lower health care cost. We are also to believe that as fewer and fewer choosing the medical profession as a career, we will have better health care.

The 85% or any percentage of a mandate encourages all kinds of manipulation, corruption and fraud to say that 85% was spent.  Anyone who has ever worked for a government funded program knows the manipulation to keep the funding.  The 85% mandate is a similar situation.

I worked with an insurance provider coding claims for Medicare. I had instructions on when to approve claims and when not to approve. When in doubt deny or refer to our resident physician. With quotas on the number of claims processed, it was better to just deny and let the customer fight or not fight the decision. It was basically practicing medicine without a license yet it was condoned
by the company and government.

Our resident physician was an anesthesiologist. He knew only how to put someone to sleep before surgery. Although he had taken the full medical education, over time he would have forgotten much. I was also working in a hospital at the time as a second job and knew a GP was a better choice. It was as asking a packaging engineer and not an electrical engineer to build and design an electrical grid. It was the blind leading the blind on the medical care of others. That is what we currently have with insurance companies involved in health care.

Our health care unjustly so, depends on the ability to pay. Our health thus life or death depends on decisions made by insurance companies and their employees that know nothing about the medical profession and are practicing without license. As we leave our health in the hands of insurance companies and not medical providers, we elect politicians in this country not leaders. The Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act was a political one and not a decision that is best for the country.

Remember it is not the insurance company’s money. It is our money. It is not the bank’s money. It is our money. Yet some like Geithner would have us believe that we need these two financial industry institutions in order for a prosperous economy. I see no prosperity.

Additional Links to Articles of Same Interest:

Single-Payer National Health Insurance | Physicians for a National Health Program

Court Ruling Does Not End Healthcare Crisis or The Need to Continue The Campaign for Reform | National Nurses United

An American Living in Canada Dispels the Myths About Canadian Health Care System | The Truth They Do Not Want Americans to Know

Thank you John Murphy-1281714 from for the link to an American Living in Canada

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