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Saturday, August 3, 2013

What Is In a Name – The New Coloreds

The importance of a name is demonstrated in the time parents dedicate to naming their children.  This is especially true with African American parents.  Unlike others America we seek more than a four letter word for a name for our children.  We use the creativity that is ours, and produce names that say you are not like everyone else.  You are an individual.  You can be different.  You have independence.  You are important.

When I replied to the question of a fellow White employee asking me my name, she replied that sounds made up.  I replied it took thought and creativity to come up with more than four letters.  Most White Americans do say it is a pretty name. 

I say all this in leading up to the naming of us a people ever since we were unloaded from the ships.  The process of naming us has played an important role in our positioning here in America.  First it was lowering in that the names were given to us by those who oppressed us.  Therefore the names are oppressing.  Also first it was a renaming that took away our sense of self, history and identity, especially with our motherland.  Second as freedom was taken and denied, our naming coincided.  As we supposedly graduated in position so did our naming.  Now we approach the recent naming and the under the current of Post-Civil Rights Reconstruction Era. 


Slave - names took away Africa. These names took away our history and sense of self.  These name reassured ownership by our masters as they were issued by them and their last names became our last names.  Africa and our African names were to be erased. They were a branding of ownership by our masters.  We kept these names, continue to keep these names and their branding. 

Post slavery - names again were the same names of slavery.  Here I would like to introduce the concept of a name also being a term.  Those terms include darkie, nigger, jigaboo, coon….  They were less than a name.  They served to keep us in place.  Much power was given to the letter G.  Although one of the terms appears twice on the map of the motherland, Africa, by adding another G we were labeled less than slaves.  We even have adopted calling ourselves Niger with an extra G.  It is my understanding that translated it means when sand meets water and is a complimentary term for those who are the shade of brown as the sand.  With the letter G added it adapts the meaning of the slave owners of British descent.  The derogatory term niggardly which means lazy as masters sat around all day and did nothing often claimed their slaves were lazy.  We are slaves to these terms. 

Pre-Civil Rights - we graduated to Colored and Negro.  They are a little less offensive. 

Civil Rights of the 1950’s and 1960’s - we chose our names.  African American gave his a history and a country.  Prior to this, we were the only Americans that did not have a land of origin or a country. We were just Colored or Negro. The most powerful and empowering was Black.  Black was not automatic.  It was earned.  It was and still is a way of thinking that is taught to us by our Black parents, extended family and communities.  It is the strongest attempt to keep our African morals.  We were Kings and Queens.  We were Brothers and Sisters.  We chose to be Black and proud of it. 

Post-Civil Rights Reconstruction – all was undone and is being undone.  Brothers and Sisters became “B’s”, thugs, and power was given back to the letter G.  We were no longer Kings and Queens.  We began killing each other as if you do not respect your elders and where you come from, Africa, you will not respect yourself or those who are like you.  That is where our youth are today.  That is what Post Reconstruction is about, undoing the gains.  It began with Richard Nixon, the other George Wallace.  Mainly we gave up Black for colored or as we now are told to call ourselves people-of-color.  How demeaning and disrespectful to all those who sacrificed for us during the Movement.  What a regression. We lose our country, heritage and sense of self and this time we had it and gave it away. I do not allow anyone to call me that.  I can see and predict our oppression.

Unlike the first colored, the science of genetics has since proven there is only one gene for color and that is colored brown.  All mammals are some shade of brown depending on evolutional needs of camouflage.  All people have color or are colored.  There are no clear people.  Free yourself and your mind from past oppression.  You are no longer colored (people of color).

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