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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Dr. Marc Lamont Hill's Necessary Speech to The United Nations

Dr. Hill before the United Nations on November 28, 2018
On Wednesday November 28, 2018 news correspondent Dr. Marc Lamont Hill spoke before the United Nations (UN) on Palestine.  Dr. Hill had just left Palestine moments earlier.  He spoke to the United Nations on his observations of the treatment of the Palestinian people by their colonial occupiers.  In speaking on this injustice, Dr. Hill held America accountable for its role in the occupation of Palestine and its correlation with America’s internal history of racism  On November 29, 2018 a Cable News Network (CNN) spokesperson announced that Marc Lamont Hill was no longer under contract with them.  He had been political commentator at CNN.  This was a day after Dr. Hill’s speech before the United Nations. 

There are many shares on the Web of  Dr. Marc Lamont Hill's speech before the United Nations. Here is just one. Further down in the article a similar speech presented April 4, 1967 will be discussed.

Dr. Marc Lamont's November 28th Speech Before The UN

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Race Baiting - What Is Really Being Said

Bantu Stephen Biko said "The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." There are many ways that the oppressor controls the oppressed using this weapon. One of those ways is with words. As any writer knows the choice and arrangement of words is a vital tool in relaying to the reader. It can be done consciously and/or subconsciously. During centuries of oppression of the descendants of Africa in America, African Americans have met a barrage of control via words and their assigned meanings. Wording is also used to control those who would oppress. Catchy sound bites and phrases are often used. Discussing and challenging the use of one of these phrases is the goal of this post. In weaponizing the sound bite "Race Baiting," has the oppressor successfully manipulated the minds of those who would oppress and those who are oppressed? 
