If a picture says a thousand words, than a poem paints a thousand pictures. Each time a poem is read, a new picture appears. Such is a poem I posted some time ago, yet few were able to see the pictures.
I would like to paint the pictures here though not quite with a thousand words. One major tool of poetry is the brush strokes of sound. In English classes we learn of the rhythmic beats of poetry. The other way sounds are created is by using certain words, e.g. words contain the sound make by the letter “S” The poem I am referring to, used the sound made by the word “who.” Thus the title of this article and an explanation of the use of the word “who” and who are the “who” in this particular poem and to make them visual.
The poem was first sent to me by my daughter along with links to its explanation. I went on to do further research.
The poem asks who at the same time by using the word “who”, it is making a statement. Instead of asking the poem is telling that the “who” did these things. One must understand who the “who” are before being able to understand the poem and appreciate its message. It is a message brought to its reader using the sound of the word “who.”